He uses this information to confuse the world powers long enough to make a power play on Iwato Island, capturing Ao and Naru and forcing the scuttling of the Gekko-Go by GenBleu. He suggests that the Coralians are mankind’s enemy, the true “aliens”, and that The Secrets are actually the equivalent of our reality’s white blood cells.

The information was thicker than trapar in the air this week, though some of it – like that spouted by war-hungry Nakamura – can’t be trusted on its face. If anything the possibility that this is a straightforward time-travel scenario seems more likely to me than it did after last week’s episode, and the Elena theory fits neatly with the time travel theory.

Elena might reasonably be said to have shown a “sisterly” attitude towards Ao too, though that’s a bit soft and fuzzy to nail down and she probably wouldn’t have known the truth in any case. It would explain Elena’s “otherness”, her hostility towards Eureka (abandonment issues – “Are you leaving again? You’re not getting away this time!”), her memories of being with Eureka as a little girl, and there’s nothing in the existing timeline that precludes it. That leaves us with “Elena is Ao’s older sister’ – and IMO this one passes the Occam’s Razor test of being the least unlikely option we know of. It’s possible this could be a different Eureka altogether and not Ao’s mom, but if that’s so, we just don’t have the information at our disposal to say one way or the other. Possible, but we’ve seen no foreshadowing of that as far as I can tell. My problems with the Naru theory are many, but the most immediate is age – as Naru and Ao are both 13, that would either imply a very quick turnaround or that the two of them are twins. I can see three theories springing to mind here – Eureka’s baby is Naru, Eureka’s baby is Elena, or this Eureka is from a different timeline altogether – and one where she had a girl instead of Ao. That shakes up the world (both for poor Ao and ourselves) pretty good. To me the most obvious question is the one that sprang forth from Eureka’s smiling “My baby is a girl!”. There’s really too much here to try and make sense of all of it and still leave time for impressions of the episode itself, so I’ll stick to the highlights for the most part. ED: We got a montage of scenes of Ao, Fleur and Elena on what appears to be the beach from the E7 ending (we know Elena has seen it in flashback already) and Eureka and Renton’s moon makes a cameo in the ep itself.His back is to us so it can’t be confirmed (his clothes look more like Dominic’s) but he’s framed with Eureka and Ao, so… We also have a shot of what looks like a retrofitted Gekko-Go. OP: Most obviously, the presence of a character who should most likely be Renton.Setting aside the artistic merits of each (OP: a homage to the original E7, ED: light and breezy with dark subtext) here are a couple of things that stood out: In addition to the cornucopia of information we received in the episode, we also have an OP and ED to dissect this week. Of course, Aikawa Shou and Kyouda-sensei still have the biggest challenge in front of them, crafting an ending that maintains this structural integrity. The progression of events holds up to scrutiny, and most of the revelations actually make sense in hindsight, and that wasn’t always the case with E7 and to a lesser extent, Rahxephon.

While AO continues to surprise and confound me at every turn, I’d still argue that while the original E7 too often felt random and disjointed, AO has a more ordered and logical feel to it. Or maybe it was Rahxephon? There’s one very obvious commonality between those two shows and this one, of course, and it’s the glorious BONES mindscrew – which has been sadly missing from most of their work for the last few years.

I haven’t been this unsure of a story since… Well, probably since Eureka Seven. Yes, my brain hurts – but it’s a good kind of pain. There’s a part of me that’s convinced BONES is just screwing with my head now because they can…